How to do Carnivore

How to do Carnivore

Every animal on this planet has a species specific diet, where it only eats one or two things and it flourishes with these meal options, though if it diverts; illnesses and disease follow suit.  Most animals don’t divert from their main food source, though due to the impact of man many animals have had their diets changed for our convenience.  This only presents itself in a non-scientific setting, like in our homes with our pets, whereas within Zoos they are very meticulous with what they feed their animals, coupled with many “Do Not Feed the Animals” signs.  We seem to be the only species on this planet without a specific diet that is best for us, or is that what we are lead to believe?  We have existed for millions of years, and only in the last 8,000 have we opted for an agrarian society, where we cultivate crops for the masses and thus reduced our reliance on meat.  Was this borne out of control, or necessity, whatever the case there are many examples of this being a flawed source of nourishment.

Migrating towards Carnivore is not a simple task, as we are eliminating many current options that are part of our regular meal regiment.  Sugars and grains are 2 of the key components that need to be eliminated first and foremost, and for some this can be a daunting task.  If you were to jump straight into this diet with no gradual descent, your body will inform you that it isn’t something it cares for and you will become extremely familiar with the confines of your washroom.  The reason for this transition period is because you will be changing out your fuel source, from Carbohydrates to Fats.  Your mind might be able to make this transition, but your gut micro biome has a say in this conversation, and you don’t want to ignore it.  What is your Gut Micro Biome?  It is made up of trillions of bacteria, fungi and other microbes that play an important role in your health by helping control digestion, benefiting your immune system and many other aspects of your health.  Bottom line, if your gut biome is off you will not absorb nutrients properly and it can lead to a multitude of issues, including a faulty immune system.  I am sure you have heard the phrase “You are what you eat”; well this is where it comes into play. 

Here is a short preface on the issues with sugars and grains.  I have elaborated more on each subject in other blogs, so I will just leave a few links to videos that did a great job of informing me, and millions of others. 





As with many diets there can be a learning curve, and an adjustment period where you might not be sure if it is working out for you, but don’t fret as we have all dealt with this at some point in our lives.  For myself, I fell into Carnivore after attempting to master Keto, which failed miserably for me and led to many deficiencies.  Being someone who prized pasta dishes and never truly had a vegetable that was their favorite, trying to focus on more veggies to supplement my normal grain options was a challenge.  Many of the veggie options were not that appealing, so salads became a mainstay in my diet for a few months, because I could play around with the dressing options that increased the palatability of these meals.  Now I admit fully that I wasn’t perfect, nor am I currently as I still partake in a weekly meal out with friends, and being a strict Carnivore can be a challenge at times.  Though here is the thing; if you are doing this to improve your health, lose some pounds and just eliminate all traces of pharma from your life, you can cheat, just don’t get stupid.  I know many people that drink coffee with heavy cream, and people like myself and many others who still plays around with spices, as I like flavor.  The main things is to not beat yourself up if you fall off once in a while, though even with myself; my cheats are still meat based though they might have questionable seasonings. 


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I love the carnivore diet

Brenda Johnson

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